Company policy

Vetreria Ciri has been operating in the glass sector since 1977, manufacturing insulating glass and glass for furniture. The company’s top priority is the production of high-quality glass panes. Its leading customers include contractors, industrial businesses and private parties. The company policy on quality and the environment is at the roots of the integrated management system, which has been developed in accordance with standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. Company staff at every level are made aware of the policy, which is also available to the public on the company website. Moreover, its adequacy is regularly checked by management during the Management Review.

Management expects all personnel to work diligently to ensure:

  • that customers’ needs and expectations are fully satisfied, ensuring above all that contract terms are fulfilled in accordance with regulations, with operational agreements and with product requirements, in order to maintain our position as market leader;
  • constant improvements in the management and operational processes, both in relation to customers and internally, to achieve an adequate profit for the company;
  • that an appropriate culture and correct methodologies prevail throughout the firm, so that all those who work there will be able to provide the high level of service expected by customers at all times;
  • constant monitoring and reduction of non-quality costs;
  • a high level of satisfaction among company personnel, by fostering the utmost loyalty and sense of responsibility;
  • constant professional development and full empowerment of human resources;
  • effective management for the targets of company activities.

Moreover, as the company is aware of the impacts of its activities on the environment, it wishes to ensure that its activities and future developments will be as environmentally sustainable and compatible as possible. In particular, it undertakes to:

  • respect EU, national and local legislation in carrying out all its activities, collaborating with the authorities in a transparent fashion;
  • identify and evaluate the environmental aspects directly and indirectly affected by its specific activities, and those related to the specific features of impacted areas, with a view to preventing and reducing pollution;
  • keep its evaluation of significant environmental aspects linked to company activities up to date (e.g. waste water, atmospheric emissions);
  • adopt procedures to prevent environmental incidents;
  • make every effort to improve relationships with local institutions and the competent authorities;
  • establish clear and understandable means of internal and external communication, to facilitate relationships with customers and other affected parties;
  • make all parties (suppliers, customers, etc.) involved in the activities of Vetreria Ciri aware of environmental issues.

Short-term goals — both in relation to the quality performances of every company process and in terms of the objectives for environmental aspects of significance — which aim to implement the policies set out herein, are defined annually by the Sole Administrator in a “Company Goals Programme”.
The Programme is the operational side of management planning and, along with this policy, it helps to define the relevant framework to review the results achieved throughout the various company processes and in environmental matters.
The Programme is carried out through the combined efforts of all the company departments involved in the quality and environmental management system, in accordance with the contents of the programme itself.
Furthermore, Vetreria Ciri srl has set out the evaluation procedures and the risk management criteria to achieve these goals in its Integrated System documentation, assessing the economic investments that may be involved in implementing and maintaining the Management System.
A complete and streamlined monitoring system, which takes into account customer satisfaction, environmental results, internal results in each process, strengths and weaknesses, budget control, internal audits and improvement actions, allows us to examine the state of the management system and to plan the management review appropriately.
The management review is the control centre for continuous improvement; it is the first mechanism for the ongoing evolution of planning in the management system, through which management verifies the impact of the policy, the effectiveness and adequacy of the management system, and the completion of the chosen programmes, before taking any resulting necessary actions.